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Ranger's Apprentice
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Nicholas Flamel

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Ranger's Apprentice

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Harry Potter

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Nicholas Flamel

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Ranger's Apprentice
Harry Potter
Nicholas Flamel

A Note from the Editor[]

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Dear readers, This wiki was created by Dynotom. But don't think that he was the one who made this wiki awesome, he wasn't. It was me. Infact, Dynotom has not done ANYTHING on the wiki. Nothing at all. It was all done by me. Happy reading, Joker0078

Welcome to the Wiki[]

Welcome to Gossp for readers Wiki or Great Boys Books Wiki. This Wiki is all about reviewing books. I will rate each book and tell you reccomendations and subjects. If you want to make a review then feel free. The template is at the bottom of this page.


Nicholas Flamel Nicholas Flamel The Alchemyst, Nicholas Flamel The Magician, Nicholas Flamel The Sorceress and Nicholas Flamel The Necromancer. I will be reviewing more soon.

Harry Potter

The Philosopher's Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkaban, The Goblet of Fire, The Order of The Phoenix, The Half-Blood Prince and The Deathly Hallows. &nbsp {C

Ranger's Apprentice

The Ruins of Gorlan, The Burning Bridge and The Icebound Land, Oakleaf Bearers, The Sorcerer in The North. I will be reviewing more soon. Sorry.

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To add a page, the first paragraph has to have: the name of the book, who rote it, if any magazines have said anything about it and also if you have any personal comment about the book. Be sure to also add the series name with the name of it.

In this next paragraph you have to say things like the genres of the book with out giving away any spoilers. You can also say what is in it like magic or mystery etc. You also have to say what bits are more exciting than the others. A good word for this page is action-packed.

This paragraph gets a bit harder. You have to recommend the book for certain ages. Please if you're making a page be sensible with the recommendations. If you think more mature readers might be able to read it at a younger age then say that.

The last paragraph is easy; rate the book out of 10 bookshelves.
